My Story
Hey there! I'm Emily.
I'm a wife, a mom, a former soldier, and a serious house cleaner! I signed up with scentsy SPECIFICALLY for all the cleaning stuff, I love it!
Jumping out on a new limb isnt very easy for me, I'm an over thinker. So it took me more than a year and a lot of watching the incredible Ashley Templin, researching the company and learning about why and what I would want out of this to decide that I really want to do something for me - heres the silly part, that something is: Buy Whichever House cleaners I like!! Because- in complete honesty, my husband spoils me with everything already!
I LOVE a clean and pretty home.
At the same time, I've been needing a challenge that connects me with the outside world while still making sure that my first commitments, My marriage and raising children, are not likely to be neglected.
I have, of course, a wishlist a mile long of things to do and things I want to put in our forever home (think BATHUTBS! picking out our own bathtub has become a huge deal to me) so combining the Social and Professional aspects appeals to me greatly.
One of my great Joys is making someone truly happy, and Scentsy has a LOT of joy to offer! Finding what makes your home feel special to you, finding that special baby gift for the new mommy, and the things that keep that field gear smelling human, theres truly something special about a sweet smelling goody!